CIE Chemical made a special insecticide to help farmers keep insects from destroying their crops. Dimethoate is a pesticide that is used to kill a variety of bugs harmful to plants. Farmers use dimethoate to protect their crops so they can grow more food and earn a better living.
Dimethoate is one of the first choice insecticides with low access and use without registration chemical nearly everwhere in the world. This insecticide is useful for various kinds of crops ranging from fruits, vegetables, and grains. Here, they on purpose focus on dimethoate since it protects against most of the damaging pests and also varies like bugs, mites and aphids. Through this spray, they can ensure the healthy growth of their plants and can derive a good yield.
It is a good and very potent insecticide; however, it also poses a few hazards. You could say that one of the most important benefits of dimethoate is the simple fact that it helps farmers keep their crops safe, allowing people to get access to even more food. The more the food the better, this is important to feed families and communities. But it is also vital to bear in mind that all of this comes with some risks. If it is not properly used, such agricultural scale chemicals as dimethoate may be dangerous to humans and nature.
Dimethoate not only affects farmers using it on their crops, it also reaches beyond the field to affect the environment. It can tell very deathful fish and other water creatures, if the bug spray spills in nearby waters such s streams or rivers. This is a huge problem since healthy waterways are critical for many species of animals and plants. In addition, dimethoate can also harm beneficial insects such as bees which play a critical role in pollination of plants. Since many crops rely on bees to produce fruit and seeds, it is imperative that we do what we can to protect these small creatures.
As a result of farmers needing to use care when using dimethoate in order to protect nature, it is vital that they not do these things. Users always need to read the directions on the label and stick to using only as directed amount of the spray. This enables them to use it safely and effectively. Farmers should also not spray dimethoate at shores of rivers, lakes, or other places where it can accidentally polluting environment. With these safety tips, farmers will ensure the wellbeing of not only their crops but the environment too.